Vice Mayor of Hanzhong Wu Weiqiang and his delegation visited our company to conduct research and guidance

Added: 2023-02-10 Views


On the morning of January 30, 2023, Wu Weiqiang, Vice Mayor of Hanzhong City, Liu Wei, Vice chairman of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference and director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Zhou Wei, deputy secretary-general of the Municipal government, and members of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau visited Shaanxi Cuicheng Biomedicine Technology Co., LTD.



Vice Mayor Wu Weiqiang and his delegation visited our company's separation and purification laboratory, green synthesis laboratory, physical and chemical analysis laboratory, and enzyme catalysis laboratory, accompanied by the company's general manager Zhao Zhengdong, and introduced our company's current business scope, including five sub-platforms, including natural drug separation and purification, drug enzyme catalytic green synthesis, high-end pharmaceutical raw material research and development customization, natural drug and pharmaceutical intermediate OEM production, analysis and detection.

During the visit, Vice Mayor Wu Weiqiang and other leaders learned about the production and operation of the company and the current development of the company, gave great affirmation to the development of the company, and encouraged the company to actively expand projects, accelerate the training and reserve of talents, and realize large output value and rapid development of the company as soon as possible. Our company will also, under the guidance and support of the government, adhere to the corporate vision of "extracting the essence of all kinds of herbs" and "Cheng" health dream, never forget the original intention, continue to forge ahead, forge ahead, and earnestly study and strive to jointly promote the high-quality development of the biomedical industry.




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