The biological research and development center of Shaanxi Cuicheng Bio-pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully completed

Added: 2023-02-10 Views

Shaanxi Cuicheng Biomedicine Technology Co., LTD. Biological Research and Development center successfully completed! The company has 30 full-time staff, including 5 master, 22 bachelor, 5 engineers, 1 licensed pharmacist.




The company and Shaanxi University of Technology jointly applied for the establishment of Hanzhong Key Laboratory of Basic and Application of Natural Medicine and science and technology innovation team. Through the technology, the company has formed a complete technical team in the fields of natural drug extraction, large-scale chromatography purification and preparation, semi-synthetic modification, peptide drug synthesis and enzyme catalyzed synthesis of medical intermediates.



Laboratory for extraction, preliminary separation and concentration of natural medicines: 6 sets of rotary evaporation instruments of 2~5L, 2 sets of 50L, 6 sets of adsorbed resin columns, 15 sets of membrane separation equipment and freeze drying equipment.




Natural medicine medium pressure preparation Laboratory: with Jiangsu Hanbang medium pressure, DC100/200 large-scale preparation chromatography 3 sets






Physical and chemical analysis laboratory



 Green synthesis Laboratory: With perfect enzyme-catalyzed synthesis reaction ability, with 50L, 100L reaction bottles










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