
CAS No.: 123524-52-7

Molecular formula: C33H34N4O6

Molecular weight: 582.65

Pharmacological action: Azedipine is a new dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. It selectively acts on L-type calcium channel. Its chemical structure is similar to that of nifedipine. It is used in the treatment of systemic hypertension and angina pectoris, and a few are used in the treatment of congestive heart failure. It causes peripheral and coronary vasodilation by inhibiting calcium ions from entering excitable tissues. Azedipine has a stronger effect on relaxing peripheral blood vessels than verapamil, but its effect on cardiac conduction is not as good as verapamil. (1) Decreasing the resistance of systemic blood vessels and blood pressure calcium channel blockers have the effect of relaxing arterial blood vessels, and the effect of relaxing peripheral blood vessels is 5-10 times that of nifedipine. Some studies have found that the blood pressure of normal people who take 10-20mg of Azedipine orally has a slight dose-dependent decrease with a slight increase in heart rate. When the same dose of Azedipine is used to treat hypertension, the effect on blood pressure is more obvious. (2) Effect on heart rate There are different reports about the effect of oral aredipine on heart rate. One study shows that the drug has no effect on heart rate in the state of quiet or vigorous exercise; Another study, however, reported that oral administration of Azedipine caused an increase in heart rate in both states. (3) Azedipine is an effective coronary vasodilator to reduce coronary resistance and increase coronary sinus blood flow. It can reduce coronary resistance and increase coronary blood flow in human body. Azedipine can increase blood flow in both normal and ischemic myocardium. Azedipine can significantly dilate the normal and narrow segments of epicardial coronary artery. Different from other coronary vasodilators, such as dipyridamole (dipyridamole), taking Azedipine does not cause coronary blood flow diversion. Some studies have shown that the symptoms of cardio-cerebral ischemia caused by coronary blood flow diversion have not been found during the long course of oral administration of azizepine 10-20mg/d.



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